It’s that time of year around here again. The air is getting cold outside. Under the
covers on my bed seem more and more appealing every morning. Tis the season for big meals and lots of
baking and booze. For me, this is the
hardest time of the year to keep up with consistent exercise and training.
Here are 10 motivation techniques to keep moving through the
1. Set Goals for next year
Don't have any goals yet!?
What are you waiting for? Get
ready for next year’s resolutions. Set a
weight goal, a fitness goal, Scope out races for next year. Give yourself something to work towards. If you need help coming up with some new
goals, checkout my post on Goal Setting.
2. Focus on your goals.
Remind yourself why you are working out. What are you training for next year? Post your goals in places where you will see
them every day. Keep them in mind as you
work out. Remind yourself that there is
a reason for your madness.
3. Sign up for Races
While you ultimate goal may be that Olympic triathlon next July,
signing up for intermediate races in the mean time can be both a great way to
stay focused on working out by setting a short term goal to work towards. You can also use these races as a measure of
how you are progressing toward that final goal.
4. Easy on the Booze
Hangovers equal a bad workout (at best) - likely a missed
workout. I just recommend planning for
the after effects of the Holiday office party.
The day after might be a good time to plan a "rest" day into
your weekly routine. And of course the
obligatory community service announcement - Celebrate responsibly and Don't
Drink and Drive!
5. Easy on the junk food
It is very easy to go overboard on the sweet stuff in the
winter. All the extra cookies, cakes and
pies - mmmm my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Just because it is there doesn't mean you
have to eat it.
5b. But, remember to eat junk food too
It is ok to celebrate the seasons with a little holiday
food. But wait... Didn't I just say to ease
off the junk food? It is ok to allow
yourself some cheat time with the diet.
If you are staying consistent with your workouts, eating a few extra cookies
won’t ruin your progress - and it might just keep you sane. If everyone is eating Christmas cookies and
drinking eggnog and you are over in the corner nibbling on carrots and celery
sticks, you might start to feel a little bitter. Go ahead and indulge a bit.
6. Ask for new cool gear from Santa Clause
I admit it, I'm a geek when it comes to new gear. Once I get something, I have to go and try it
out right away. So ask your honey for
some new shoes, or that new Heart Rate Monitor
you’ve been eyeing up - whatever
it will take to get you moving.
7. Be flexible with your workout schedule
The weather sometimes may limit your outdoor activity or you
ability to get to the gym. Have a backup
plan. Do a workout at home. Get on your treadmill or have POWER 90
or P90X
at the ready. Don't let the weather
be an excuse to not work out at all.
8. Continue to record your progress
You can find motivation in seeing your progress, even in the
off season. See yourself getting closer
to your goals.
9. Keep talking
Keep telling everyone what you are doing. The more you talk about it, the more people
you tell what your goals are, the more motivated you will be to keep them. Why does this work? Mainly because of guilt... but it works, so
use it. Plus, I find that the more
people I talk to about what I'm doing, the more they get involved. It is a great motivator to see people take up
exercise because you inspired them.
Maybe you can convince someone to do a race with you in the next couple
of months, or pick up a new training partner.
10. Put your stuff on and get going
It gets harder to tell yourself no once you are dressed for
the workout. Get your gear on, and get
Do you have any special motivation techniques you use to
keep yourself going in the winter months?
I would love to hear them. Feel
free to share.
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