What is a heart rate monitor?
A heart rate monitor is an electronic device that can be used to measure your heart rate. They come in a wide variety of styles and with a wide variety of options. HRM's can be used to do everything from a basic measure of BPM, to recording lap times, to calculating position changes via GPS to providing a detailed fitness report including calories burned. I'm sure if you looked hard enough you would be able to find one that will cook you breakfast and drive you to work too. It's amazing how much some of these things can do!
Do I need a heart rate monitor?
Well no, not really. An HRM can be a neat little tech gadget, or it can be a very useful tool. That depends on who is using it and why. People have been training and exercising since the beginning of time without monitoring their heart rate. Understanding how your body feels - and reacting to that is very important. You can certainly continue to work out without knowing your exact heart rate.
But Knowledge is power my friend!
So why all the fuss about Heart Rate? Knowing your heart rate can really help you get the most out of your workout. The instantaneous feedback allows you adjust intensity level up or down depending on your condition and workout goals. How? - I discuss the importance of knowing your heart rate in more detail in this post: Is Heart Rate Important for the Triathlete.
So how do I use one?
There are two main types of heart rate monitors available, chest strap monitors and fingertip sensor monitors. Chest strap monitors consist of a sensor that is worn across the chest and a wrist band that resembles a watch. The sensor monitors your heart rate and transmits the data to the wrist unit via wireless signal. Fingertip sensors require that you hold your fingertip on a sensor or the sensor clamps to your fingertip. They only provide status while you are testing.
Chest Strap
Accuracy. Chest strap monitors tend to be more accurate due to the location of the sensors and the fact that they are always in contact with your skin.
Real time feedback - These monitors provide real time feedback so you can check you status without stopping your workout.
You have to wear a chest strap. This may be uncomfortable for some people, or difficult to find one that fits particularly if you are a large person.
The batteries are not replaceable in some models.
Having many settings can make use difficult for some people.
Finger Sensor
Some of these models can be less expensive.
There is less gear that you need to carry or worry about breaking/losing.
They are good for doing quick status checks.
Lack of real time status (you have to stop to check).
It may be hard to get accurate data if you are sweating.
Chest Strap
Accuracy. Chest strap monitors tend to be more accurate due to the location of the sensors and the fact that they are always in contact with your skin.
Real time feedback - These monitors provide real time feedback so you can check you status without stopping your workout.
You have to wear a chest strap. This may be uncomfortable for some people, or difficult to find one that fits particularly if you are a large person.
The batteries are not replaceable in some models.
Having many settings can make use difficult for some people.
Finger Sensor
Some of these models can be less expensive.
There is less gear that you need to carry or worry about breaking/losing.
They are good for doing quick status checks.
Lack of real time status (you have to stop to check).
It may be hard to get accurate data if you are sweating.
What functionality do I need from my heart rate monitor?
At this point, (for me), all I need is a relatively basic model. I came up with the list below in searching for a heart rate monitor that I think will suit my needs. At this point I am not interested in GPS tracking or altitude monitoring or some of the other high end bells and whistles. I put this list together in order of importance to help my searching
My Key Heart Rate Monitor requirements:
Battery replacement capability
Back lit for night time use
Zone Tracking and limit indicatorMy Key Heart Rate Monitor requirements:
Battery replacement capability
Back lit for night time use
Recovery timer
Calorie Tracker
For now, I think all I need are the basics. I found several models that meet these requirements. I have decided to go with a Timex IronMan Road Trainer
Ill provide an update after I use the monitor for a while and let you know what I think of it.
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